星期六, 12月 22, 2018

方便的 my.vmware.com 下載工具 - vmw-cli 測試小記

方便的 my.vmware.com 下載工具 - vmw-cli 測試小記

OS: openSUSE Leap 15 in Azure

之前看到一個工具 vmw-cli 可以用 command line 方式下載 VMware 產品 ISO
  • vmw-cli is a CLI client used to login and interact with my.vmware.com. It provides an interface for programmatic query and download of VMware product binaries.

今天有點時間, 來嘗試一下

# zypper  install  npm8
Building repository 'openSUSE-Leap-15.0-Non-Oss' cache ...................[done]
Building repository 'openSUSE-Leap-15.0-Oss' cache .......................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 4 NEW packages are going to be installed:
 nodejs-common nodejs8 nodejs8-devel npm8

The following recommended package was automatically selected:

4 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 8.7 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation,
additional 34.7 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): Y

使用 npm 安裝 vmw-cli

# npm  install  vmw-cli  --global

/usr/local/bin/vmw-cli -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/vmw-cli/lib/vmw-cli.js
+ vmw-cli@1.1.13
added 82 packages in 8.946s

還沒有定義帳號密碼前先觀察資訊, 使用 vmw-cli  list 可以列出產品

# vmw-cli  list


# vmw-cli   index vmware-vsphere

Updating [fileIndex.json] for all permitted downloads in [vmware-vsphere] ...
[ERROR]: environment variables $VMWUSER and $VMWPASS not set! Please configure

接下來嘗試 export 帳密
#export  VMWUSER='<userid>'
#export  VMWPASS='<password>'

嘗試 inex 但是這個過程會很久, 然後會產生 fileIndex.json
# vmw-cli  index vmware-vsphere


# ls  /usr/local/lib/node_modules/vmw-cli/lib
cookies.json  extract-files.js  get-file.js get-product.js   group.vmware-vsphere.json index.json.session  utils.js vmw-cli.js xtable.js
examples      fileIndex.json    get-index.js  get-solution.js  index.json          mainIndex.json vmw-api.js  xcell.js

接下來嘗試 vmw-cli  find 指令
這邊是找出檔案名稱內有 vcsa 字元的

# vmw-cli   find  fileName:vcsa

Loading available solutions in [fileIndex.json] ...

solution                                   productGroup productType version fileName                                                      fileDate fileSize fileType download  
-----------------------------------------  ------------ ---------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------  ---------- -------- -------- --------
vmware-workspace-one                       VC67U1 Product Binaries  6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-workspace-one                       VC60U2M Product Binaries  6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere                             VC67U1 Product Binaries 6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere                             VC65U2C Product Binaries 6.5.0 U2c VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-9451637.iso                             2018-08-14 3.27 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere                             VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-vsphere                             VC60U3H Product Binaries 6.0 U3h VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-9451619.iso                             2018-08-14 3.09 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere                             VC60U2M Product Binaries 6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC67U1        Product Binaries  6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC60U3H       Product Binaries  6.0 U3h VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-9451619.iso                             2018-08-14 3.09 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC60U2M       Product Binaries  6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC65U2C       Product Binaries  6.5.0 U2c VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-9451637.iso                             2018-08-14 3.27 GB iso yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC65U1G_OSS   Open Source    6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-vsan                                VC67U1 Product Binaries 6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-vsan                                VC65U2C Product Binaries 6.5.0 U2c VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-9451637.iso                             2018-08-14 3.27 GB iso yes
vmware-vsan                                VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-vsan                                VC60U3H Product Binaries 6.0 U3h VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-9451619.iso                             2018-08-14 3.09 GB iso yes
vmware-vsan                                VC60U2M Product Binaries 6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-vcloud-suite                        VC67U1        Product Binaries  6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-vcloud-suite                        VC60U2M Product Binaries  6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-vcloud-nfv                          VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-horizon                             VC67U1        Product Binaries  6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
vmware-horizon                             VC60U2M Product Binaries  6.0U2M VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-4191361.iso                             2016-09-15 2.605 GB iso yes
vmware-horizon                             VC65U1G_OSS Open Source   6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-horizon-apps                        VC67U1 Product Binaries 6.7.0U1 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-10244745.iso                            2018-10-16 3.95 GB iso yes
[ 24/25310 ] entries - filter [ fileName:vcsa ]

從 fileIndex.json 內找出 24 筆
從上面的的輸出可以看到有不同的產品(solution), 不同檔案類型(fileType) 的產品

# vmw-cli  find  fileName:vcsa,fileType:txt

Loading available solutions in [fileIndex.json] ...
solution                                   productGroup productType version fileName                                                      fileDate fileSize fileType download
-----------------------------------------  ------------ ----------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------  ---------- -------- -------- --------
vmware-vsphere                             VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20  4.59 MB txt       yes
vmware-vsphere-with-operations-management  VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-vsan                                VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-vcloud-nfv                          VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
vmware-horizon                             VC65U1G_OSS Open Source 6.5.0U1g open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt  2018-03-20 4.59 MB txt yes
[ 5/25310 ] entries - filter [ fileName:vcsa,fileType:txt ]

嘗試下載檔案, 因為是 Lab, 所以下載 .txt 檔案測試, 檔案名稱由上面的 find 取得

# vmw-cli  get  open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt

Loading available solutions in [fileIndex.json] ...
Session file[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/vmw-cli/lib/index.json] [922] older than [600] seconds...
Synching delicious cookies from [https://my.vmware.com]
Offering up afforementioned snacks as a sacrifice to [https://my.vmware.com/oam/server/auth_cred_submit]
Pulling landing index.json [https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/downloads]
"name": "Open Source License file for vCenter 6.5.0U1g",
"fileName": "open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt",
"fileDate": "2018-03-20",
"fileSize": "4.59 MB",
"fileType": "txt",
"md5sum": "06a3fab64c7a8ae2f962cf0b1576e95a",
"sha1sum": "229ad762dc69314c8c9bbefa2133b35cf1c2a800",
"sha256sum": "f38b53198fdc99bc2fed1b5d5b56c0967246103bd26af04c98c96abd97119e90",
"download": {
"downloadGroupCode": "VC65U1G_OSS",
"downloadFileId": "06a3fab64c7a8ae2f962cf0b1576e95a",
"vmware": "downloadBinary",
"baseStr": "",
"hashKey": "",
"tagId": "",
"productId": "",
"uuId": "53a9a37c-a7d3-47fc-aec8-c37834bcfe20"
[open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt] downloading... [=================================================>] 100% 0.0s 2789 KB/s 04.81/04.81 MB
MD5 MATCH: local[ 06a3fab64c7a8ae2f962cf0b1576e95a ] remote [ 06a3fab64c7a8ae2f962cf0b1576e95a ]


# ls

.bash_history  .config .gnupg  .npm .viminfo bin  open-source-license-VMware-vCenter-Server-VCSA-65U1-g-GA.txt

vmw-cli 也有容器化的版本, 因為大同小異, 所以就沒有再次測試

也算是多一個方便下載 my.vmware.com的工具吧

~ enjoy it

