Spark 本機安裝 with Ansible
現在的實驗環境會透過 Ansible 來管理
所以整理了一下 spark local 套件安裝的 ansible playbook
- 使用 group 方式控管
- 安裝 spark 相關套件, 透過變數詢問下載不同版本, 預設是 1.4.0
- 使用 when: 方式針對不同的 OS 來安裝, 目前有 openSUSE Leap, CentOS, 還有 ubuntu
- 目前已測試 openSUSE 42.1 / CentOS 7.2 / Ubuntu 14.04
檔案 spark_local.yml
- name: Install spark with local
hosts: sparkSingle
# 透過 vars_prompt 動態詢問要裝的版本, 預設是 1.4.0
- name: "spark_version"
prompt: "Please enter spark version, example 1.4.0"
private: no
default: "1.4.0"
- name: Install java, wget with openSUSE Leap
# Use sudo before ansible 1.9
# sudo: True
become: True
# 使用 pkg 加上 {{ item }} 配合後面的 with_item 來安裝多個套件
zypper: name={{ item }}
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
- wget
when: ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: Install java, wget with CentOS
become: True
yum: name={{ item }}
- java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
- wget
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- name: Install java, wget and scala with Ubuntu
become: True
apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes
- openjdk-7-jdk
- wget
- scala
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- name: Get scala
shell: wget
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: Exact source code of scala
shell: tar xvf scala-2.10.1.tgz
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: Move scala to /usr/lib
become: True
shell: mv scala-2.10.1 /usr/lib
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: create link for scala
become: True
shell: ln -s /usr/lib/scala-2.10.1/ /usr/lib/scala
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: touch .bashrc
shell: touch ~/.bashrc
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
- name: export $PATH to .bashrc
lineinfile: dest=~/.bashrc line="export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/scala/bin"
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" or ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 由於沒有在 general option 使用 sudo, 這邊在使用 shell module 抓下來就是使用者自己的身份額非 root
# 這邊用 spark 1.4.0 版本
- name: Download spark with pre-build hadoop
shell: wget{{ spark_version }}/spark-{{ spark_version }}-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
# 解開 source code
- name: Exact pre-build source
shell: tar zxvf spark-*.tgz
- name: Rename spark folder
shell: mv ~/spark*/ ~/spark
# 測試 jps 指令
- name: Testing jps command
command: jps
register: jps
- debug: var=jps.stdout_lines
將要安裝 spark 的主機加入 sparkSingle 群組
然後執行 spark_local.yml 即可
~ enjoy it