VMware vCenter VCSA 6 啟用 SSH小記
vCenter: VCSA 6
為了進行 Storage Provider 相關設定, 所以要登入 vCenter SSH 修改相關內容
我是使用 Web client 來進行
登入 Web Client
HOME -- > Administration -- > System Configuration
點選 Nodes, 選取 vCenter nodes
可以按滑鼠右鍵 -- > Edit Setting
觀察 Access 的部分 有沒有 Enable SSH login
接下來登入 vCenter ( 這邊覺得比較奇怪的是 administrator@xxxx.xxx 沒有啟動 shell的權限 )
>ssh -l root vCenter伺服器IP
root@'s password: 輸入密碼
Last login: Wed Feb 24 06:01:55 UTC 2016 from on pts/0
Last failed login: Wed Feb 24 07:03:18 UTC 2016 from on ssh:notty
There was 1 failed login attempt since the last successful login.
Last login: Wed Feb 24 07:03:21 2016 from
Connected to service
* List APIs: "help api list"
* List Plugins: "help pi list"
* Enable BASH access: "shell.set --enabled True"
* Launch BASH: "shell"
觀察是否有啟用 bash
Enabled: False
Timeout: 0
Command> shell.set --enabled true
觀察是否有啟用 bash
Command> shell.get
Enabled: True
Timeout: 3598
進入 shell
Command> shell
---------- !!!! WARNING WARNING WARNING !!!! ----------
Your use of "pi shell" has been logged!
The "pi shell" is intended for advanced troubleshooting operations and while
supported in this release, is a deprecated interface, and may be removed in a
future version of the product. For alternative commands, exit the "pi shell"
and run the "help" command.
The "pi shell" command launches a root bash shell. Commands within the shell
are not audited, and improper use of this command can severely harm the
Help us improve the product! If your scenario requires "pi shell," please
submit a Service Request, or post your scenario to the
communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/server/vcenter/cloudvm forum.
localhost:~ #
停用 bash
> shell.set --enabled false
觀察是否有啟用 bash
Command> shell.get
Enabled: False
Timeout: 0
~ enjoy it