星期六, 7月 25, 2015

20150724 GENI加入小記

GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations)  加入小記

GENI is a new, nationwide suite of infrastructure supporting "at scale" research in networking, distributed systems, security, and novel applications.


點選 Use GENI

點選 Allow me to pick from a list, 選取學校, 我是選 Northwetern University
點選 continue

這個時候會帶入 學校的驗證畫面
驗證完成之後會進入 Account Activation Page

螢幕快照 2015-07-24 下午2.10.29.png

勾選 I agree to the GENI policies
點選 Activate


螢幕快照 2015-07-24 下午2.44.14.png

首先第一步應該就是 Join a Project
找個 Project 點選 join
螢幕快照 2015-07-24 下午2.50.09.png

接下來就等 Project Lead Accept

額外的資訊可以參考 GENI wiki - Newcomers to GENI


~enjoy it

星期一, 7月 20, 2015

Chicago Linux Users Group 活動小記

今天是第一次參加 Chicago Linux Users Group 活動

聚會場地 Pumping Station: One https://chicagolug.org/category/locations.html

一開始場地讓我印象非常深刻, 是要按鈴然後主辦人會下來開 ^^


然後主辦單位會準備 Pizza , 有來的夥伴還會帶一手啤酒跟大家 share …..

這邊有網路嗎?  WIFI 密碼是啥?
抬頭看看天花版, WIFI 就可以取得, 這個想法真的很可愛

今天的主題是 Ansible 由在 RedHat 工作的 Sten Turpin 幫我們介紹.
簡報網址 http://slides.com/stenturpin/chilug-ansible

以下是這次 Meeting 的筆記

~ enjoy it

星期四, 7月 16, 2015

Codebox 安裝於 CentOS 7 小記

今天在看 sbt 還有 scala 的相關文件時, 也在想開發環境的使用
目前雖然可能服務沒有用到, 但是也是先小記起來
主要希望是 WebIDE / Cloud IDE 的開發環境

其中注意到有 open source 的 codebox

OS:  CentOS 7


$ sudo  yum  install  npm   -y

安裝 codebox 還是要有 sudo 或是  root 權限
$ sudo  npm  install  -g  codebox

其實應該是可以先把 專案的資料夾建立起來, 然後在啟用
但是實驗性質就先在家目錄開個 myworkspace 吧
$ codebox   run   ~/myworkspace   --open
[log][rpc] register service /addons
[log][rpc] add method install to /addons
[log][rpc] add method list to /addons
[log][rpc] add method registry to /addons
[log][rpc] add method uninstall to /addons
[log][watch] Starting Watch

Codebox is running at http://localhost:8000

預設是在 port 8000 listen
可惜的是沒有 man page 可以看,  但是可以參考這邊 http://help.codebox.io/ide/env.html
我有試過 $ codebox   run   ~/myworkspace   --open  --port 1234
是可以在 port 1234 listen 的

他的驗證方式是用 git 的 e-mail 來驗證,  但是實際測試不是 git 郵件也可以登入


$ codebox   run   ~/myworkspace    --email=sakana@study-area.org

可以看  codebox  -h  來看簡單說明

$ codebox  -h

 Usage: codebox [options] [command]


   run [folder]           Run a Codebox into a specific folder.


   -h, --help                      output usage information
   -p, --port [http port]          Port to run the IDE
   -n, --hostname [http hostname]  Hostname to run the IDE
   -t, --title [project title]     Title for the project.
   -s, --sample [project type]     Replace directory content by a sample (warning: erase content).
   -o, --open                      Open the IDE in your favorite browser
   -e, --email [email address]     Email address to use as a default authentication
   -u, --users [list users]        List of coma seperated users and password (formatted as "username:password")
   -V, --version                   output the version number

 Version: 0.8.3


   $ codebox run
   $ codebox run ./myProject

   Use option --open to directly open the IDE in your browser:
   $ codebox run ./myProject --open

-u  的用法我覺得還不錯
螢幕快照 2015-07-14 下午8.35.59.png

螢幕快照 2015-07-15 上午10.53.57.png

實驗了一下 還是透過  git  初始化會比較正常

$ mkdir   -p   ~/myworkspace/TestProject
$ git  init   ~/myworkspace/TestProject/

丟到背景執行, 然後使用 nohup
$ nohup   codebox  run  ~/myworkspace/TestProject/   &



~ enjoy it

星期二, 7月 14, 2015

CentOS 7 安裝 Sbt 小記

OS: CentOS 7 in Chameleon Cloud

要開發 scala 與 spark 好像要裝 sbt 或是另外一個軟體
所以我就先選擇 sbt 來進行開發環境

可以參考 在Linux上安裝 sbt 這段

首先先來觀察 官方的 repo 設定
$ curl    https://bintray.com/sbt/rpm/rpm
#bintray--sbt-rpm - packages by  from Bintray


$ curl   https://bintray.com/sbt/rpm/rpm  >   bintray-sbt-rpm.repo
 % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   146    0   146    0     0    454      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   456

$ ls
bintray-sbt-rpm.repo  scala-2.10.1.tgz           spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
Install.sh            spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6

透過 sudo 來把 repo設定檔案放到 系統 yum.repos.d 目錄下
$ sudo  mv  bintray-sbt-rpm.repo   /etc/yum.repos.d/

這個時候就搜尋的到 sbt 套件了
$ sudo  yum  search   sbt
base                                                                        | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
bintray--sbt-rpm                                                            | 1.2 kB  00:00:00     
epel/x86_64/metalink                                                        |  12 kB  00:00:00     
extras                                                                      | 3.4 kB  00:00:00     
openstack-juno                                                              | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
updates                                                                     | 3.4 kB  00:00:00     
bintray--sbt-rpm/primary                                                    | 1.6 kB  00:00:00     
bintray--sbt-rpm                                                                               9/9
======================================== N/S matched: sbt =========================================
libreport-plugin-mantisbt.x86_64 : libreport's mantisbt plugin
sbt.noarch : Simple Build Tool for Scala-driven builds

 Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.

安裝 sbt
$ sudo  yum  install   sbt   -y
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package sbt.noarch 0:0.13.8-1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package          Arch                Version                  Repository                     Size
sbt              noarch              0.13.8-1                 bintray--sbt-rpm              1.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 1.0 M
Installed size: 1.2 M
Downloading packages:
sbt-0.13.8.rpm                                                              | 1.0 MB  00:00:01     
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
 Installing : sbt-0.13.8-1.noarch                                                             1/1
 Verifying  : sbt-0.13.8-1.noarch                                                             1/1

 sbt.noarch 0:0.13.8-1                                                                            


Hello, world 測試

$ mkdir hello
$ ls
hello  Install.sh  scala-2.10.1.tgz  spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6  spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
$ cd  hello/
$ echo 'object Hi { def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hi!") }' > hw.scala

$ cat hw.scala
object Hi { def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hi!") }

$ sbt
Getting org.scala-sbt sbt 0.13.8 ...
downloading https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-sbt/compiler-interface/0.13.8/jars/compiler-interface-src.jar ...
Getting Scala 2.10.4 (for sbt)...
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-lang/jline/2.10.4/jline-2.10.4.jar ...
[SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.4!jline.jar (194ms)
downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/fusesource/jansi/jansi/1.4/jansi-1.4.jar ...
[SUCCESSFUL ] org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4!jansi.jar (159ms)
:: retrieving :: org.scala-sbt#boot-scala
confs: [default]
5 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (24459kB/42ms)
[info] Set current project to hello (in build file:/home/cc/hello/)

在界面下 執行
> run
[info] Updating {file:/home/cc/hello/}hello...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/cc/hello/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[info] Running Hi
[success] Total time: 3 s, completed 2015/7/13 下午 07:02:59
> exit

按照上面的訊息,  產出到 target/scala-2.10/classes 目錄下
觀察資訊, 看到兩個  .class 檔案
$ ls   target/scala-2.10/classes/
Hi.class  Hi$.class

批次模式( 非互動 )
  • $sbt  compile
  • 這邊有注意到, 因為之前  build.sbt 設定的關係
  • 所以編出來的 scala 版本會依照 build.sbt 內的設定     

  • clean
    • 刪除所有在 target 目錄下產生的文件
  • compile
    • 編譯 source code ( src/main/scala 與 src/main/java 目錄下 )
  • test
    • 編譯與執行所有測試
  • console
    • 進到 scala 互動界面
    • 打 :quit離開
  • run <參數>*
    • 執行 main class
  • package
    • 建立 jar 檔案
    • 根據 src/main/resources與 src/main/scala 及 src/main/java
  • help <命令>
  • reload
    • reload build.sbt, project/*.scala, project/*.sbt  

下次應該可以考慮 寫成  shell script 自動安裝

~ enjoy it