星期六, 6月 14, 2014

GNOME.Asia Summit 2014

GNOME.Asia Summit 2014

The seventh GNOME.Asia Summit host come back to Beijing.  after Seoul, Hong Kong, Bangalore, Taipei, Ho-Chi-Minh City and Beijing.
I want thank all people coming  GNOME.Asia Summit 2014.

We have awesome video team this year.

You could take a short view for 2 days activities.  They will have new video for whole summit, I guess. :p
We play event video every end of the day. ^__^

Day 1

Day 2

Thanks again to all STAFF.

Thanks again to all Speakers.

There are too many words I want to say and thanks.
<(_ _)>

Thanks Documentation Team awesome training session in GNOME.Asia Summit

You could read the blog for some detail about training session.

Ekaterina Gerasimova:

David King:

Andre Klapper:

Thanks FUDCon APAC held together with GNOME.Asia Summit, thanks Emily Chen and Alick Zhao lead both of GNOME and Fedora team.

Thanks our Busy Bees ZSUN and TongHui did awesome job for us.  <(_ _)>

It's my pleasure to host conference with Gerard

Thanks our keynote speakers

Tobias Mueller 

 Jiri Eischmann, Jaroslav Reznik

Lennart Poettering

Richard Matthew Stallman

We have FUDPub social night held during GNOME.Aisa Summit and FUDCon APAC.  ^_^

"For Fedora"
"For open source !! ""

We have Sport Event this year.

I really happy and lucky  have chance to organize and join GNOME.Asia Summit

I think I will keep "Happy Hacking" and do more with GNOME.

Thanks speakers come to GNOME.Asia Summit and blog for summit.

I want to Thanks all our sponsor and GNOME Foundation.
Without their their support, we could not have this amazing GNOME.Asia Summit.

星期一, 6月 09, 2014

openSUSE 13.1 安裝小記

openSUSE 13.1 安裝小記

一段時間都會安裝 13.1 把自己安裝的部份重新記一下

取消 CD 為安裝來源:
# yast2  repositories

Google Chrome:

  • 因為目前 google hangout ( google talk ) 都使用網頁版, 然後 MSN 也不復使用, 所以就沒有使用 pidgin.


將.mm 的檔案指定用 freemind  開啟

新增 Packman 套件庫

因為台灣的 mirror 站台有時候連線還是不太穩定
這次只有加入 Packman 的套件庫

新增 AddPackmanRepo.sh 內容如下

echo "Print the rep  in use"
zypper  lr -u

#Define openSUSE Version
VERSION=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
echo "This openSUSE version is $VERSION"

echo "Add Taiwan's rep "

## for Packman Rep
zypper  ar -f http://ftp.nchc.org.tw/Linux/Packman/suse/$VERSION/ NCHC-Packman
#zypper ar -f http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Packman/suse/$VERSION/ twaren_packman
zypper  mr  -p  98  NCHC-Packman


然後使用 root 身份執行來加入packman 套件庫
#sh  AddPackmanRepo.sh

然後因為 ftp.nchc.org.tw 有時候會有權限的問題, 所以我也加入 社群套件庫 Packman 在德國的套件庫

我的 Dell Monitor 沒有正確的被顯示, 加入社群的 Nvidia 套件庫就可以顯示 1920 x 1680

加完 Packman 的套件庫之後
打開 #yast2  sw_single 來匯入 Packman 的金鑰

就使用 zypper 指令安裝 Mplayer 以及 smplayer 套件
#zypper   install  -y  -l   MPlayer   smplayer   smplayer-lang

並將 .rmvb 以及 .mp4 預設播放器設定為  smplayer

目前的版本是 的版本

#wget  -O  skype-`date +%F`.rpm   http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-suse

下載的 rpm 會被命名為 skype-日期.rpm

因為目前 rpm base 的OS, skype 只有提供 32 bits 的套件

參考 http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Skype 但是還是有些遺漏, 所以要安裝一些套件

# zypper   install  -y libpulse0-32bit
# zypper   install  -y libqt4-32bit   libqt4-x11-32bit   libpng12-0-32bit
# zypper   install  -y libXss1-32bit
# zypper   install  -y libQtWebKit4-32bit
# zypper   install  -y libXv1-32bit
# zypper   install  -y xorg-x11-libs

安裝 skype 套件
# rpm -ivh skype*.rpm

使用 #yast2 sound 調整音效


新安裝完之後, 發現無法輸入中文
參考黑眼珠大大的 blog

我有裝TopIcons 這個 gnome-shell 擴充套件來顯示傳統系統匣的圖示, 我覺得挺好用的

我的環境是 openSUSE 13.1 + GNOME + gcin (預設就是 gcin)

所以線上求助黑眼珠大大, 得到指引.

Steps 1:
#yast2  sw_single
將 ibus 的套件全部移除

Steps 2:
安裝 m17n 上面的 gcin

# zypper  ar  obs://M17N/openSUSE_13.1 m17n
# zypper  ref  m17n
# zypper  in   --from m17n gcin

登出登入後, 中文就回來了

顯示 icon 在上方

切換為 On

安裝 youtube-dl

# zypper   install  youtube-dl
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW package is going to be installed:

1 new package to install.
Overall download size: 226.1 KiB. After the operation, additional 899.5 KiB
will be used.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): y

透過 youtube-dl  -F 來觀察可以下載的格式

> youtube-dl  -F  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13eLHrDcb1k
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Extracting video information
Available formats:
22 : mp4 [720x1280]
18 : mp4 [360x640]
43 : webm [360x640]
5 : flv [240x400]
17 : mp4 [144x176]

指定要下載的格式進行下載 (請注意 -f 是小寫)

> youtube-dl  -f  22  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13eLHrDcb1k
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Extracting video information
[download] Destination: Your Eyes - 竹内まりや ( 安堂ロイド~A.I. knows LOVE?~ 主題歌 )Yo1ko2 Cover-13eLHrDcb1k.mp4
[download] 100.0% of 15.98MiB at 26.02MiB/s ETA 00:00


> ls
2013ironman                                                                                    下載
AddPackmanRepo.sh                                                                              公共
bin                                                                                            圖片
Dropbox                                                                                        影片
forticlientsslvpn                                                                              文件
forticlientsslvpn_linux_4.0.2010.tar.gz                                                        桌面
javaLearn                                                                                      模板
public_html                                                                                    相關會議資訊.docx
Your Eyes - 竹内まりや ( 安堂ロイド~A.I. knows LOVE?~ 主題歌 )Yo1ko2 Cover-13eLHrDcb1k.mp4  音樂

在指令的選項部份, man 了一下相關選項,找一下可能的有用選項
  • --all-formats 下載所有的格式
  • -a, --batch-file  使用檔案的方式批次下載


> cat   video.list

> youtube-dl   -a   video.list
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 13eLHrDcb1k: Extracting video information
[download] Destination: Your Eyes - 竹内まりや ( 安堂ロイド~A.I. knows LOVE?~ 主題歌 )Yo1ko2 Cover-13eLHrDcb1k.mp4
[download] 100.0% of 15.98MiB at 40.78MiB/s ETA 00:00
[youtube] JFlqULfmg2M: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] JFlqULfmg2M: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] JFlqULfmg2M: Extracting video information
[download] Destination: Hiroshi Kitadani - Pegasus Fantasy Cover no AF 2006 [DBBR]-JFlqULfmg2M.mp4
[download] 100.0% of 16.46MiB at 30.48MiB/s ETA 00:00

下載為 mp3
首先要安裝 ffmpeg 套件

>youtube-dl    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13eLHrDcb1k --extract-audio --audio-format mp3



* Forticlient SSL VPN 安裝
* 印表機安裝
* rdesktop 測試 -g 1280x1024
* 在gcin 裡面使用 日本anthy 輸入法(安裝 anthy 以及 gcin-anthy-module)


一樣要下載 kernel-desktop-devel 還有必須要有 gcc 套件