星期三, 6月 07, 2006

Lynx for Windows

Download Lynx_v293.zip

Installation Instructions
Read the 'readme.txt' and other help files included in the package for more information.
1.Make a folder on the top level of your C drive called lynx_w32
2.Unzip the contents of the lynx_v283.zip file into that folder.
3.Make a shortcut to lynx.bat and place it on your desktop.
4.Double click the shortcut. Lynx will open with google.com as the home page.

星期五, 6月 02, 2006

Kickstart on FC5

今天嘗試使用kickstart on FC5
在install server的製作上 以NFS為例
#unalias cp
#mount /media/cdrom
#cp -af /media/cdrom/Fedora /var/ftp/pub
以往只要把Fedora 目錄copy到指定目錄下
Fedora core 5 要再copy repodata這各目錄才可以
#cp -af /media/cdrom/repodata /var/ftp/pub
#umount /media/cdrom
#vi /etc/exports
/var/ftp/pub *(ro)
#service nfs start
#chkconfig nfs on

至於 ks.cfg 內的swap partition mount point 的部份還有待升級後觀察