20160129-VMware-VSOS-Day 5
Module 11 Virtual Machine and Cluster Optimization
Lesson 1: Virtual Machine Optimization
Storage Considerations
- VMware Paravirtual SCSI ( PVSCSI )
- 效能會比 LSI Logic and LSI SATA較好, ESXi 5.0 以上都支援
- VM開機時, 顯示被 Lock 無法開機, 刪除 *.LCK 可以解決
Lesson 2: vSphere Cluster Optimization
-- Class break --
- 清除 vSphere Client 連線 IP
- 把 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VMware\VMware Infrastructure Client\Preferences 內的 RecentConnections 的 IP 清除
Lab 12: Diagnosing vSphere HA Cluster Resource Issue
- 參考 Lab 文件
- Task 1: Shutdown all running virtual machine
- Task 2: (Student B) Disconnect the ESXi Host from the vCenter Server Instance
- Task 3: (Student A) Connect a Second ESXi Host to the vCenter Server Instance
- Task 4: Review Change in the vSphere Web Client
- Task 5: Move your ESXi Host to the First Problem Cluster
- Task 6: Investigate the First Cluster Issue
- Task 7: Move Your ESXi Host to the Second Problem Cluster
- Task 8: Investigate the Second Cluster Issue and Start your first Virtual Machine
- Task 9: (Student A) Start a second virtual machine in the second cluster
- Task 10: (Student B) STart a second virtual machine in the second cluster
- Task 11: Determine the cause of the second cluster issue
- Task 12: Move Your ESXi Host Back to the training data center
- Task 13: (Student B) Clean up for next lab
-- 中午休息 --
Module 12 Host and Management Scalability
Lesson 1: Host Profiles
備份 Host Profile
- 透過 vCLI 執行 vicfg-cfgbackup --server IP或FQDN -s 檔案名稱 來備份
- 還原使用 vicfg-cfgbackup --server IP或FQDN -l 檔案名稱
Host Profile用途
- 備份 / 還原主機設定
- 套用到多台主機
- 用 Host profile 檢查主機現有的設定
Lab 13: Host Profiles
- 參考 Lab 文件
- Task 1: Create and Export a Host Profile
- 沒有加入主機的 Host Profile 就是包含網路,storage與驗證來源的設定
- Task 2: Import a Host Profile
- Task 3: Attach an ESXi Host to the Imported Host Profile
- Task 4: Run an initial compliance check
- Task 5: Introduce a configuration drift
- Task 6: Run a compliance check and remediate the configuration drift
- Task 7: Introduce a second configuration drift
- Task 8: Run a compatibility check and try to remediate the host
- Task 9: Detach the host profile and exit maintenance mode
Lesson 3: vSphere PowerCLI
Lab 14: Using vSphere PowerCLI
- 參考 Lab 文件
- Task 1: Start vSphere PowerCLI
- Task 2: Define Variables
- Task 3: Connect to and Disconnect from an ESXi Host
- Task 4: Connect to the vCenter Server System and View ESXi Host-Related Information
- Task 5: List Virtual Networking Properties
- Task 6: Retrieve Virtual Machine Properties
- Task 7: Retrieve Virtual Machine Performance Statics
-- Class break --
Lesson 4: vCenter Converter and vSphere ESXi Image Builder
ESXi Images
- An ESXi image is a software bundle that consists 4 main components
- Core Hypervisor
- CIM Providers
- Plug-In Components
- Drivers
Lesson 5: vSphere Auto Deploy
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