星期四, 5月 09, 2019

使用 ansible 管理 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) instance 小記

使用 ansible 管理 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) instance  小記

OS: openSUSE Leap 15
ansible: 2.7.10

之前的 Azure AKS instance 都是使用 az aks create 指令建立的

但是久了有的時候真的會一時忘記 az aks 指令要下哪些 …..
所以今天就參考官方網站用 ansible 寫了 playbook 來建立以及移除 AKS instance

建立 AKS instance:

我的 playbook 如下, 檔案名稱 azure_create_aks_instance.yml

# Azure AKS 相關測試
# edit by sakana 2019/5/9
- name: use when conditionals and setup module
 hosts: localhost
 connection: local
   - name: "client_id"
     prompt: "Enter client_id"
     private: no

   - name: "client_secret"
     prompt: "Enter client_secret"
     private: no

   - name: "resource_group"
     prompt: "Enter resource group name"
     private: no
     default: sakanaK8s

   - name: "aks_instance_name"
     prompt: "Enter aks instance name"
     private: no
     default: test01

   - name: "aks_location"
     prompt: "Enter aks location"
     private: no
     default: eastus

   - name: "dns_prefix"
     prompt: "Enter aks dns_prefix"
     private: no
     default: sakanamax

   - name: "admin_username"
     prompt: "Enter admin user's name"
     private: no
     default: sakana

   - name: "aks_ssh_key"
     prompt: "Enter aks ssh public key"
     private: no

   - name: "aks_pool_name"
     prompt: "Enter aks pool name"
     private: no
     default: testsakana

   - name: "aks_count"
     prompt: "Enter how many node do you want to create?"
     private: no
     default: 1

   - name: "vm_size"
     prompt: "Enter vm size for each node"
     private: no
     default: Standard_B2s

  - name: Create AKS instance
      name: "{{ aks_instance_name }}"
      resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}"
      dns_prefix: "{{ dns_prefix }}"
        admin_username: "{{ admin_username }}"
        ssh_key: "{{ aks_ssh_key }}"
        client_id:     "{{ client_id }}"
        client_secret: "{{ client_secret }}"
        - name: "{{ aks_pool_name }}"
          count: "{{ aks_count }}"
          vm_size: "{{ vm_size }}"


使用 ansible-playbook 指令建立

> ansible-playbook  azure_create_aks_instance.yml


建立完成之後我還是用 az ask 指令取得認證資訊 ( 從 web console 複製 )
> az  aks  get-credentials --resource-group  sakanaK8s --name  test01


移除 AKS instance:
我的 playbook 如下, 檔案名稱 azure_remove_aks_instance.yml

# Azure AKS 相關測試
# edit by sakana 2019/5/9
- name: use when conditionals and setup module
 hosts: localhost
 connection: local
   - name: "aks_instance_name"
     prompt: "Enter aks instance name you want to REMOVE"
     private: no
     default: test01

   - name: "resource_group"
     prompt: "Enter resource group name"
     private: no
     default: sakanaK8s

  - name: Remove AKS instance
      name: "{{ aks_instance_name }}"
      resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}"
      state: absent

移除的時候一樣用 ansible-playbook 指令
> ansible-playbook  azure_remove_aks_instance.yml

這樣以後建立 AKS instance 就相對方便了

~ enjoy it

