星期五, 6月 15, 2018

Transactional updates with kubic 小記


Transactional updates with kubic 小記

OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed Kubic

先解釋 Kubic

Container as a Service Platform based on Kubernetes atop openSUSE MicroOS

簡單來說就是以 openSUSE Tumbleweed 為 Base OS 來提供容器平台
  • 裡面有使用 openSUSE MicroOS (https://en.opensuse.org/Kubic:MicroOS ) 來針對容器使用最佳化, 使用 atomic 方式針對 read-only room filesystem 進行升級
  • 可以使用 docker and podman 來使用容器
  • 可以使用 Kubernetes 來進行容器叢集管理
  • openSUSE / SUSE 使用  velum ( https://github.com/kubic-project/velum  ) 來進行 cluster 架設, 詳細可以看 Github 的說明

所以要使用 kubic 的第一步就是要了解 atomic 方式更新, 因為 openSUSE MicroOS 是 read-only root filesystem
  • 無法直接用 zypper 安裝 套件
  • 要使用 transactional-update 指令安裝套件
    • 安裝完套件要 reboot 才會生效
    • 可以 rollback 回到 snapshot
  • 搭配 btrfs filesystem

想要了解 transactional-update 可以參考 openSUSE Conference 2018 這場演講

  • 會將現在的檔案系統建立快照 ( pre )
  • 進行變更
  • 建立變更後的快照 ( post )
  • 要生效要重新開機


# transactional-update  --help
Syntax: transactional-update [options] [general-command...] [package-command]
       transactional-update [options] individual-command

Applies modifications to the system to a new snapshot without touching
the running system.

General Commands:
cleanup            Mark removable snapshots
grub.cfg           Regenerate grub.cfg
bootloader         Reinstall the bootloader
initrd             Regenerate initrd
kdump              Regenerate kdump initrd
reboot             Reboot after update
shell              Open rw shell in snapshot before exiting

如果使用 zypper 來安裝套件, 會得到下列相關錯誤訊息
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Read-only file system)

所以要使用 transactional-update 指令來安裝套件, 這邊也用 traceroute 套件來示範

# transactional-update   pkg   in  traceroute
Checking for newer version.
transactional-update 2.3 started
Options: pkg in traceroute
Separate /var detected.
Creating read-only snapshot of current system state (#1)
Running in non UTF-8 locale. Setup is unsupported.
Copying /etc state into backup snapshot
Running in non UTF-8 locale. Setup is unsupported.
Copying /etc state into snapshot
Calling zypper install
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW package is going to be installed:

1 new package to install.
Overall download size: 0 B. Already cached: 52.5 KiB. After the operation,
additional 103.5 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y):  Y
Checking for file conflicts: .............................................[done]
In cache traceroute-2.0.21-1.10.x86_64.rpm (1/1),  52.5 KiB (103.5 KiB unpacked)
(1/1) Installing: traceroute-2.0.21-1.10.x86_64 ..........................[done]
Trying to rebuild kdump initrd
Running in non UTF-8 locale. Setup is unsupported.
Please reboot your machine to activate the changes and avoid data loss.
transactional-update finished


可以使用 findmnt 或是後面看到的 btrfs 指令來觀察目前的 snapshot

# findmnt   /
TARGET SOURCE                              FSTYPE OPTIONS
/      /dev/sda2[/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot] btrfs  ro,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=267,subvol=/@/.snapshots/1

使用 snapper  list 來觀察目前的快照

# snapper  list
Failed to set locale. Fix your system.
Running in non UTF-8 locale. Setup is unsupported.
Type   | # | Pre # | Date                     | User | Cleanup | Description  | Userdata
single | 0 |       |        | root | | current              |
single | 1 |       | Wed Jun 13 13:45:15 2018 | root |         | first root filesystem |
single | 2 |       | Wed Jun 13 13:49:44 2018 | root | number  | after installation | important=yes
pre    | 3 |       | Wed Jun 13 15:03:33 2018 | root | number  | RO-Clone of #1 | important=yes
post   | 4 | 3     | Wed Jun 13 15:03:34 2018 | root |         | Snapshot Update |  

如果去執行 traceroue 指令, 會發現沒辦法執行, 因為還沒有生效

# reboot

重開機之後可以使用 btrfs 指令觀察目前的 snapshot

# btrfs  subvolume  get-default   /
ID 274 gen 73 top level 266 path @/.snapshots/4/snapshot

如果要回到某個狀態 可以 使用 transactional-update  rollback 快照號碼

# transactional-update  rollback 1
transactional-update 2.3 started
Options: rollback 1
Separate /var detected.
Rollback to snapshot 1...
Running in non UTF-8 locale. Setup is unsupported.
Please reboot to finish rollback!


這樣也算是跨出 kubic 一小步

~ enjoy it
