使用 ansible 快速佈署 nagios with openSUSE Leap 42.2
OS: openSUSE Leap 42.2
Notes:已經安裝 ansible 套件
上一篇文章是手動安裝 nagios 以及 client
接下來就是用 ansible 來進行快速佈署
相關檔案已經放在 GitHub 上面
下載相關檔案, 主要是 nagios_server_install.yml 以及 nagios_client_install.yml, 其他在 playbook 內都會透過 wget 來取得.
編輯或是下載 hosts 檔案, 建立相關群組
主要在 hosts 檔案內透過 群組來控制
# 安裝 nagios server
# 安裝 nagios client
把要安裝 nagios server 與 nagios client 的機器放到群組
要安裝 nagios server
就執行 ansible-playbook nagios_server_install.yml
會被詢問 nagiosadmin 密碼以及要通知的 e-mail
nagios_server_install.yml 內容如下
| |
| |
| |
- name: use when conditionals and setup module (facts)
| |
hosts: all
| |
| |
# 使用 setup moudule 列出 OS 種類
| |
- name: use setup module to list os distribution
| |
# setup moudle 可以使用 filter 過濾相關內容
| |
setup: filter=ansible_distribution
| |
| |
- name: Install nagios server and run service
| |
# 使用群組方式安裝 use group, 請配合 hosts 內的 [NagiosServer]
| |
hosts: NagiosServer
| |
become: True
| |
# 透過提示來輸入相關變數
| |
| |
- name: "nagiosadmin_password"
| |
prompt: "Enter nagiosadmin password"
| |
# private 設定為 no 會顯示輸入的內容
| |
private: yes
| |
# 這邊可以設定預設值
| |
default: nagiosadmin
| |
- name: "nagiosadmin_email"
| |
prompt: "Enter nagiosadmin e-mail"
| |
private: no
| |
default: nagios@localhost
| |
| |
- name: Install nagios and nrpe with openSUSE Leap
| |
# 這邊使用 disable_recommends=no 加入zypper 建議的套件, 否則不會加入 apache2等其他套件
| |
zypper: name={{ item }} disable_recommends=no
| |
| |
- nagios
| |
- monitoring-plugins
| |
- nrpe
| |
- monitoring-plugins-nrpe
| |
when: ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
| |
| |
# 設定 nagiosadmin 登入密碼
| |
- name: set nagiosadmin password
| |
shell: htpasswd2 -bc /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin {{ nagiosadmin_password }}
| |
| |
# 由於 apache2.2 and apache2.4 相容性問題, 啟用 access_compat 模組
| |
- name: enable apache mod_access_compat
| |
shell: a2enmod mod_access_compat
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
- name: fix localhost.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/localhost.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg
| |
# get_url:
| |
# url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/localhost.cfg
| |
# dest: /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg
| |
# backup: yes
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
- name: use modified template.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/templates.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
- name: use modified commands.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/commands.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 linux 公共服務的範本
| |
- name: use modified linuxPublic.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/linuxPublic.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/linuxPublic.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 linux 服務的範本( 自己控管的主機 )
| |
- name: use modified linux.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/linux.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 windows 公共服務的範本( 非自己控管的主機 )
| |
- name: use modified windowsPublic.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/windowsPublic.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/windowsPublic.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 windows 服務的範本( 自己控管的主機 )
| |
- name: use modified windows.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/windows.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/windows.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 switch 的範本, 只監控 IP 不監控 snmp
| |
- name: use modified switchSimple.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/switchSimple.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/switchSimple.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 用來當成監控 rack 的範本, 只監控 IP
| |
- name: use modified rackHost.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/rackHost.cfg -O /etc/nagios/objects/rackHost.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 修改使用 cfg_dir= 參數於 nagios.cfg
| |
- name: use modified nagios.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/nagios.cfg -O /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
| |
| |
# 建立相關工作目錄
| |
- name: create working dir for nagios *.cfg
| |
shell: mkdir /etc/nagios/{servers,pcs,racks,switches,projects,labs}
| |
| |
# 使用 replace module 去修改 nagiosadmin 通知 e-mail
| |
- name: Set nagiosadmin e-mail
| |
| |
dest: /etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg
| |
regexp: 'nagios@localhost'
| |
replace: "{{ nagiosadmin_email }}"
| |
backup: yes
| |
| |
# 設定 apache2 啟動與開機啟動
| |
- name: Set apache2 enable and run
| |
service: name=apache2 state=started enabled=yes
| |
| |
# 設定 nagios 啟動與開機啟動
| |
- name: Set nagios enable and run
| |
service: name=nagios state=started enabled=yes
| |
| |
要安裝 nagios client
就執行 ansible-playbook nagios_client_install.yml
會被詢問 nagios server 的IP
nagios_client_install.yml 的內容如下
| |
| |
- name: use when conditionals and setup module (facts)
| |
hosts: all
| |
| |
# 使用 setup moudule 列出 OS 種類
| |
- name: use setup module to list os distribution
| |
# setup moudle 可以使用 filter 過濾相關內容
| |
setup: filter=ansible_distribution
| |
| |
- name: Install nagios client and run service
| |
# 使用群組方式安裝 use group, 請配合 hosts 內的 [NagiosServer]
| |
hosts: NagiosClient
| |
become: True
| |
# 透過提示來輸入相關變數
| |
| |
- name: "nagios_ip"
| |
prompt: "Enter nagios server's ip"
| |
# private 設定為 no 會顯示輸入的內容
| |
private: no
| |
# 這邊可以設定預設值
| |
# default:
| |
| |
- name: Install nrpe with openSUSE Leap
| |
# 這邊使用 disable_recommends=no 加入zypper 建議的套件, 否則不會加入 apache2等其他套件
| |
zypper: name={{ item }} disable_recommends=no
| |
| |
- nrpe
| |
- monitoring-plugins
| |
- monitoring-plugins-nrpe
| |
when: ansible_distribution == "openSUSE Leap"
| |
| |
# 使用修改過的 *.cfg 請詳見 github https://github.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/tree/master/playbook/general/nagios/files
| |
# 加入相關 commands
| |
- name: use modified nrpe.cfg
| |
shell: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sakanamax/LearnAnsible/master/playbook/general/nagios/files/nrpe.cfg -O /etc/nrpe.cfg
| |
| |
# 使用 replace module 去修改 allowed_hosts
| |
- name: Set allowed_hosts
| |
| |
dest: /etc/nrpe.cfg
| |
regexp: 'allowed_hosts='
| |
replace: "allowed_hosts=,{{ nagios_ip }}"
| |
backup: yes
| |
| |
# 設定 nrpe 啟動與開機啟動
| |
- name: Set nrpe enable and run
| |
service: name=nrpe state=started enabled=yes
| |
| |
- name: Copy client config to folder
| |
# 使用群組方式安裝 use group, 請配合 hosts 內的 [NagiosServer]
| |
hosts: NagiosServer
| |
become: True
| |
# 透過提示來輸入相關變數
| |
| |
- name: "cfg_type"
| |
prompt: "Enter client config template name"
| |
# private 設定為 no 會顯示輸入的內容
| |
private: no
| |
# 這邊可以設定預設值
| |
default: linux.cfg
| |
- name: "cfg_folder"
| |
prompt: "Enter client config save folder name in /etc/nagios"
| |
private: no
| |
default: labs
| |
| |
- name: copy template config to folder
| |
# shell: cp /etc/nagios/objects/{{ cfg_type }} /etc/nagios/{{ cfg_folder }}/{{ hostvars['test4']['ansible_default_ipv4'].address }}.cfg
| |
# 這邊卡了我很久, 這邊透過 hostvars 與 item ( with_item ) 來指定 facts 感謝 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-project/X6zCbW6S1fo
| |
shell: cp /etc/nagios/objects/{{ cfg_type }} /etc/nagios/{{ cfg_folder }}/{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4'].address }}.cfg
| |
# 這邊透過 with_item 來使用 loop , 將 NagiosClient 群組內的主機放進來
| |
with_items: "{{ groups['NagiosClient'] }}"
| |
# 將預設 IP 改為 client IP
| |
- name: replace with client's ip
| |
# 使用 replace module 更改 IP
| |
| |
dest: /etc/nagios/{{ cfg_folder }}/{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4'].address }}.cfg
| |
regexp: ''
| |
replace: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4'].address }}"
| |
# backup: yes
| |
# 這邊 with_items 沒有跟 replace 對齊造成 loop 失敗花了我很多時間, 下次要注意
| |
with_items: "{{ groups['NagiosClient'] }}"
| |
# 將預設 hostname 更改
| |
- name: replace with client's hostname
| |
| |
dest: /etc/nagios/{{ cfg_folder }}/{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4'].address }}.cfg
| |
regexp: 'suseserver129'
| |
replace: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
| |
# backup: yes
| |
with_items: "{{ groups['NagiosClient'] }}"
| |
| |
# 將 nagios reload
| |
- name: Set nagios reload conf
| |
service: name=nagios state=reloaded
| |
~ enjoy it