星期日, 4月 08, 2012

Nagios with openSUSE 12.1

Nagios 網路監控主機架設

Nagios 是一個 opensource 的電腦系統與網路服務的監控軟體.

Nagios 可以監控主機與服務,當異常狀況發生時, 可以通知指定的聯絡人. 或是以指定的通知方式來聯繫, 另外也有眾多的 Plugin 可以使用.


openSUSE Linux 為開放社群的 openSUSE Poroject 所開發.
openSUSE 10.3 之後可以藉由 one-click Install 的方式來進行套件安裝
使用者可以在  http://software.opensuse.org/search
搜尋 想要安裝的套件, 藉由單鍵安裝, 快速安裝套件以及增加套件庫.
另外, http://software.opensuse.org/search 也提供其他 Linux 發行版本的套件下載( Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, SLES)

OS: openSUSE 12.1
IP: (請依照實際的IP 調整)

Linux Client: (請依照實際的IP 調整)
Windows Client: (請依照實際的IP 調整)

Part I: Nagios伺服器的建置

1. 安裝Nagios 套件
server 上面使用 one-click install 安裝 Nagios 套件


Nagios Plugins

Nagios Addons Extras

(如果要使用 putty 連線SSH 到主機, 請確認SSH 服務有開 #rcsshd status )
( 啟動SSH 服務  #rcsshd  start )
(可以使用 #hostname  server 來變更主機名稱, 並請重新連線 SSH 還有 #rcxdm restart 重新啟動 X -- 如果使用 Ezilla Lab)

# zypper   install   nagios   nagios-plugins   nagios-plugins-extras

2.建立nagiosadmin 密碼
第一次建立密碼的時候 請加上 -c 選項,
新增第二個使用者, 則不需要加上 -c ( 會清空現有的密碼)
請於server 上面
#htpasswd2   -c   /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users   nagiosadmin

3.建立nagiosuser 密碼
請於server 上面
#htpasswd2   /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users   nagiosuser

筆記補充: 預設的nagiosadmin 為管理者, 其相關設定, 設定於/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg 所以如果不想使用 nagiosadmin 為預設管理者帳號, 請修改該檔案內的設定.

#chkconfig  nagios  --list
#chkconfig  nagios  on
#chkconfig  nagios  --list

5.重新啟動.apache2 並設定開機啟動
#rcapache2  restart
#chkconfig   apache2   --list
#chkconfig   apache2   on
#chkconfig   apache2   --list

#rcnagios   start

7.測試Nagios 主機運作
開啟瀏覽器 於 URL上面輸入
以上的URL 請視連線的IP調整
使用者名稱 nagiosadmin
密碼 之前設定的密碼

這個時候應該會出現 Nagios 的相關畫面


此時會發現 HTTP 呈現警告狀態
原因為 Apache2 有啟動但是沒有預設的網頁
要解除這個情形可以 建立一個預設網頁
#vi   /srv/www/htdocs/index.html
<html> It works ! </html>

受監控的相關主機都會被紀錄在 /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
Linux 的本機的監控設定也是設定於 /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg 內的
# Definitions for monitoring the local (Linux) host

也可以使用資料夾的方式匯入設定檔(設定於 /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg)
# You can also tell Nagios to process all config files (with a .cfg
# extension) in a particular directory by using the cfg_dir
# directive as shown below:


相關的設定檔都要放在 /etc/nagios/objects 資料夾內,
且於/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg 要有cfg_file=xxxx.cfg的設定

另外如果要檢視 Nagios 設定有沒有問題
#nagios  -v   /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

來觀察匯入那些設定檔, 以及有沒有問題


**修改通知 e-mail **
# vi   /etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg
修改預設的  e-mail
define contact{
       contact_name    nagiosadmi    ; Short name of user
       use    generic-contact         ; Inherit default values from generic-contact template (defined above)
       alias       Nagios Admin            ; Full name of user
       email  sakana@study-area.org ; <<***** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ******

當然這邊要確認 mail service 有沒有啟動
可以下 #rcpostfix  status 確認 ( 啟動請用 #rcpostfix  start )

檢視 Nagios 設定有沒有問題
#nagios  -v   /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

重新啟動 Nagios
#rcnagios   restart

**以上 Nagios 伺服器建置完成**

Part II: Nagios 用戶端-- Linux 伺服器用戶端建置

1.安裝 nagios-nrpe套件

請於Client端啟動 YaST 軟體管理

#yast2  sw_single

並搜尋 nrpe 應該就會看到
nagios-nrpe 套件
nagios-plugins-nrpe 套件
→ 安裝 → 套用
( 或是考慮使用 #yast  -i  nagios-nrpe  nagios-plugins-nrpe)
(根據官方的說法是 相較於 check_by_ssh 的方式比較省資源)

2.設定nagios-nrpe 套件
(另外最好去確認 /etc/services 有沒有 nrpe 5666/tcp # nagios nrpe 的設定)
#grep  5666  /etc/services

修改設定檔 允許 Nagios 伺服器連線
# vi  /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg


這邊要注意後面要加上 逗點 , 然後主機 IP 不能有空格
不然會出現沒有辦法建立 SSL HandShake
(這個部份可以解釋, 如果nrpe是使用 SystemV 的形式啟動後面都會出現不能建立SSL Handshake ,但是以Xinetd 就不會)

#rcnrpe   start

設定完成之後 可以於本機及遠端測試

執行 check_nrpe 測試, 成功應該會出現 NRPE的版本
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe   -H   localhost
NRPE v2.12

請於 Server
安裝 nagios-nrpe 套件
#yast  -i  nagios-nrpe  nagios-plugins-nrpe

針對 nagios client 測試 nagios-nrpe 成功應該會出現 NRPE的版本
#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe  -H
NRPE v2.12

(這邊請確認 firewall 是否關閉, 或是准許 nrpe 通過, 可以使用 #yast2  firewall 關閉防火牆測試)

有關於 /etc/nagios/nrpe.conf
(為了防止之後 /etc/hosts 名稱對應有問題建議可以將 localhost 改為
#vi  /etc/nagios/nrpe.conf

請於 Client
#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_users

#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_load

#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_total_procs

Zombie Process
#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_zombie_procs

#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_hda1
(這個部份command[check_hda1]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/hda1
因為現在 IDE的硬碟以及使用 Kernel 2.6.20 以前的主機越來越少, 所以應該是對應到 /dev/sda1)
故可以修改 /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg 內的 command 對應
(複製原來的 hda1 改為要監控的 Partition)

#vi   /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
#command[check_hda1]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/hda1
command[check_sda1]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/sda1
command[check_sda2]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/sda2
command[check_ssh]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ssh   localhost
command[check_smtp]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp  localhost

(針對想要加入的指令 可以參考 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins 目錄)
(為了防止之後 /etc/hosts 名稱對應有問題建議可以將 localhost 改為

(這邊如果為了迅速 | 懶的改, 在ip 沒有改變的狀況底下可以下載已改好檔案 #wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/client-nrpe.cfg
(如果IP有改就改 allowed_hosts= 後面接的IP吧 !! )
(Ezilla Lab 請將代號改成 vda1)
#mv   client-nrpe.cfg   /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
這個部份就自行考量 ^^)

重新啟動 nrpe 服務( 修改完 /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg 請記得重新啟動服務)
#rcnrpe  restart

# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_sda1
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H localhost -c check_sda2

另外於 Server端測試 相關的指令
#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe  -H   -c  check_sda1
#/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe  -H   -c  check_sda2

Part III: linux 伺服器(Nagios Client)加入到 Nagios監控範圍


Lab: 建立範本 for host
新的主機範本 windows-pc 
新的群組範本 windows-pcgroup
新的群組範本 linux-servergroup
新的服務範本 generic-pc-service


nagios 設定檔內可以經由套用範本 use 的方式來加速管理

用來自訂 監控的時間 或是 設定預設的群組

舉例來說 一般的 workstation 不會 24 小時開機, 只會在上班時間開機
所以先建立, windows-pc 的範本,針對一般的 PC, 指定 上班時間監控.

Nagios 範本設定檔 /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg
Nagios 時間範本設定檔   /etc/nagios/objects/timeperiods.cfg

修改 Nagios 的範本檔, 將 windows-servers 複製一份改為 windows-pc
並修改 檢查時間為 workhours

#vi   /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg

建立新的主機範本 windows-pc
# Windows host definition template - This is NOT a real host, just a template!

define host{
       name                    windows-pc      ; The name of this host template 範本的名稱
       use                     generic-host    ; Inherit default values from the generic-host template
       check_period      workhours    ; 檢查的時間範圍
       check_interval          5               ; Actively check the server every 5 minutes
       retry_interval          1               ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals
       max_check_attempts      10              ; Check each server 10 times (max)
       check_command           check-host-alive; Default command to check if servers are "alive"
       notification_period     workhours            ; Send notification out at any time - day or night
       notification_interval   30              ; Resend notifications every 30 minutes
       notification_options    d,r             ; Only send notifications for specific host states
       contact_groups          admins          ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
       hostgroups           windows-pcgroup    ; window-pc 主機預設會歸屬的群組
       register                0               ; DONT REGISTER THIS - ITS JUST A TEMPLATE

另外定義一個群組 為 windows-pcgroup
讓剛剛建立的主機 範本可以直接加入
# Define host group for Windows PC
define hostgroup{
    hostgroup_name  windows-pcgroup    ; The name of the hostgroup
    alias        Windows PC Group   ; Long name of the group

定義一個群組 為 linux-servergroup
讓 linux-server 範本 可以直接加入

# Define host group for Linux Servers
define hostgroup{
       hostgroup_name  linux-servergroup      ; The name of the hostgroup
       alias           Linux Server Group      ; Long name of the group

定義一個群組 為 windows-server (原本定義在 windows.cfg)
讓 windows-server 範本 可以直接加入

# Define a hostgroup for Windows machines
# All hosts that use the windows-server template will automatically be a member of this group

define hostgroup{
       hostgroup_name  windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
       alias           Windows Servers ; Long name of the group

修改 linux-server 的範本 讓他自動加入 linux-servergroup

# Linux host definition template - This is NOT a real host, just a template!

define host{
       name                            linux-server    ; The name of this host template
       use                             generic-host    ; This template inherits other values from the generic-host template
       check_period                    24x7            ; By default, Linux hosts are checked round the clock
       check_interval                  5               ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes
       retry_interval                  1               ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals
       max_check_attempts              10              ; Check each Linux host 10 times (max)
       check_command                   check-host-alive ; Default command to check Linux hosts
       notification_period             workhours       ; Linux admins hate to be woken up, so we only notify during the day
                                                       ; Note that the notification_period variable is being overridden from
                                                       ; the value that is inherited from the generic-host template!
       notification_interval           120             ; Resend notifications every 2 hours
       notification_options            d,u,r           ; Only send notifications for specific host states
       contact_groups                  admins          ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
       hostgroups                      linux-servergroup ; Host groups that Linux servers should be a member of
       register                        0               ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!

建立新的服務範本 generic-pc-service 給一般PC使用
因為一般PC 只會在工作時間開機, 可以複製 generic-service 的範本來修改

# Generic PC service definition template - This is NOT a real service, just a template!

define service{
       name                            generic-pc-service      ; The 'name' of this service template
       active_checks_enabled           1                       ; Active service checks are enabled
       passive_checks_enabled          1                       ; Passive service checks are enabled/accepted
       parallelize_check               1                       ; Active service checks should be parallelized (disabling this can lead to major performance problems)
       obsess_over_service             1                       ; We should obsess over this service (if necessary)
       check_freshness                 0                       ; Default is to NOT check service 'freshness'
       notifications_enabled           1                       ; Service notifications are enabled
       event_handler_enabled           1                       ; Service event handler is enabled
       flap_detection_enabled          1                       ; Flap detection is enabled
       failure_prediction_enabled      1                       ; Failure prediction is enabled
       process_perf_data               1                       ; Process performance data
       retain_status_information       1                       ; Retain status information across program restarts
       retain_nonstatus_information    1                       ; Retain non-status information across program restarts
       is_volatile                     0                       ; The service is not volatile
       check_period                    workhours               ; The service can be checked at any time of the day
       max_check_attempts              3                       ; Re-check the service up to 3 times in order to determine its final (hard) state
       normal_check_interval           10                      ; Check the service every 10 minutes under normal conditions
       retry_check_interval            2                       ; Re-check the service every two minutes until a hard state can be determined
       contact_groups                  admins                  ; Notifications get sent out to everyone in the 'admins' group
       notification_options            w,u,c,r                 ; Send notifications about warning, unknown, critical, and recovery events
       notification_interval           60                      ; Re-notify about service problems every hour
       notification_period             workhours               ; Notifications can be sent out at any time
        register                        0                      ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL SERVICE, JUST A TEMPLATE!

workhours 的檢查時間為 早上 9:00 到 下午 5:00

可以 參考  /etc/nagios/objects/timeperiods.cfg
# 'workhours' timeperiod definition
define timeperiod{
       timeperiod_name workhours
       alias           Normal Work Hours
       monday          09:00-17:00
       tuesday         09:00-17:00
       wednesday       09:00-17:00
       thursday        09:00-17:00
       friday          09:00-17:00

(這邊如果為了迅速 | 懶的改, 在ip 沒有改變的狀況底下可以下載已改好檔案 #wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/server-templates.cfg

# mv  server-templates.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg
這個部份就自行考量 ^^)

複製 windows 的設定檔 來當成 linux server的設定檔
# cp  /etc/nagios/objects/windows.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg

修改 /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg 內的設定 加上主機名稱修改為Client IP

#vi   /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg
define host{
use windows-server ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name winserver ; The name we're giving to this host
alias My Windows Server ; A longer name associated with the host
address ; IP address of the host

改為 (定義遠端Linux主機的名稱及IP)

define host{
use   linux-server ; 這邊的名稱要參照 template 內的名稱,故不能亂取
host_name   suseserver130 ; The name we're giving to this host 主機名稱(簡稱)
alias openSUSE Server2 ; A longer name associated with the host 主機名稱()
address ; IP address of the host

接下來處理服務的部份, 因為所有要監控的服務都會認主機名稱
使用 :%s/winserver/suseserver130/gc define service{ } 內的
host_name winserver
host_name suseserver130

define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
alias Windows Servers ; Long name of the group

#define hostgroup{
#hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
#alias Windows Servers ; Long name of the group

define service{ } 內的 service_description check_command
修改(check_nt 改為check_nrpe)

define service{
use generic-service
host_name suseserver130
service_description NSClient++ Version
check_command check_nt!CLIENTVERSION

define service{
use generic-service
host_name suseserver130
service_description Online Users
check_command check_nrpe!check_users

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Check sda1
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_sda1

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Check sda2
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_sda2

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Check Load
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_load

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Total_Procs
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_total_procs

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Check SSH
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_ssh

define service{
       use                     generic-service
       host_name               suseserver130
       service_description     Check SMTP
       check_command           check_nrpe!check_smtp

請注意主機名稱需對應 define host { } 區段內的 host_name

(這邊如果為了迅速 | 懶的改, 在ip 沒有改變的狀況底下可以下載已改好檔案 #wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/server-linux.cfg
(IP 有變就更改 Client 的IP吧)

# mv  server-linux.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg
這個部份就自行考量 ^^)

Server: 建立要監控對象的範本

  • /etc/nagios/object/linux.cfg

Client: 設定允許監控伺服器 IP, NRPE 相對應的指令
  • /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

**設定 NRPE 指令對應**
修改 /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg 加入 check_nrpe 的指令對應

# vi   /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
# 'check_nrpe' command definition
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$

(這邊如果為了迅速 | 懶的改, 可以下載已改好檔案
#wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/server-commands.cfg
# mv   server-commands.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
這個部份就自行考量 ^^)

**設定 Nagios 載入 linux.cfg **

將剛剛的 linux.cfg 複製一份給 linux server 使用 
# cp  /etc/nagios/objects/linux.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/linux130.cfg

最後修改 /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg 內的設定 讓 linux.cfg 設定載入, 可以監控nagios Clinet

#vi   /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
#Definitions for monitoring the Linux server

# nagios   -v   /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

重新啟動 nagios 使其生效
#rcnagios   restart

(: 重新啟動之後不會馬上偵測, 會過幾分鐘才偵測)

Part IV: Nagios 用戶端-- Windows 伺服器/ Windows PC用戶端建置

1.安裝 NSClient++ 軟體
請於 Window 伺服器 或是用戶端

開啟瀏覽器 連線至 NSClient++ 的專案網頁下載軟體

依造機器的平台 x86 or x86_64 下載軟體 這邊以0.3.8-Win32 為例

請按 Next

接下來 End-User License Agreement
請勾選 ' I accept the terms in the License Agreement' → Next

接下來Custom Setup
請按 Next

NSClient 會偵測是否有舊的設定檔
由於是新的安裝 請按 Next

Allow hosts: 輸入 Nagios ServerIP (只允許這台機器連線)
針對要載入的模組 勾選Next

點選 Install

勾選 Start service → Finish

Part V: Windows 伺服器/PC (Nagios Client)加入到 Nagios監控範圍


複製 windows.cfg  Windows 伺服器或是PC 使用

這邊設定檔的名稱 假定為 windows129.cfg
(這邊個人處理方式目前以 IP命名)

# cp  /etc/nagios/objects/windows.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/windows129.cfg


# vi   /etc/nagios/objects/windows129.cfg

請將文件內 主機名稱(host_name) winserver 改為Windows 主機名稱
例如 winpc129

  • 可以利用 vi 的取代功能 :%s/winserver/winpc129/gc

Step 2:
請將預設 IP 修改為 正確的 IP 位址

define host{
use windows-server ; 需參考template不可以自己亂取名稱
host_name winserver ; The name we're giving to this host 主機名稱
alias My Windows Server ; A longer name associated with the host 主機名稱()
address ; IP address of the host 用戶端IP位址

define host{
use windows-pc ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name winpc129 ; The name we're giving to this host
alias Windows PC ; A longer name associated with the host
address ; IP address of the host

另外確認所有的 define service 內的設定 host_name都是新的主機名稱(winpc129)
將服務 套用 generic-pc-service 符合一般PC 只於上班時間運作

define service{
use generic-pc-service
host_name winpc129
service_description NSClient++ Version
check_command check_nt!CLIENTVERSION

另外一般的 PC 不會開 網頁伺服器 故註解 W3SVC

#define service{
#        use                     generic-pc-service
#        host_name               winpc129
#        service_description     W3SVC
#        check_command           check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l W3SVC
#        }

要注意的是 主機群組只能定義一次,
windowsxxx.cfg 內的主機群組定義
都要註解起來, 才不會發生錯誤!!

define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
alias Windows Servers ; Long name of the group


#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
# alias Windows Servers ; Long name of the group
# }

(這邊如果為了迅速 | 懶的改, 在ip 沒有改變的狀況底下可以下載已改好檔案 #wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/server-windows.cfg
#wget   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/server-windows129.cfg
(如果有改IP 就請修正 Client 的IP)

# mv  server-windows.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/windows.cfg
# mv  server-windows129.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/windows129.cfg
這個部份就自行考量 ^^)

最後修改 /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg 內的設定
windows129.cfg 設定載入, 可以監控nagios Clinet

#vi   /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

# nagios  -v  /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

重新啟動 nagios 使其生效
#rcnagios   restart

(: 重新啟動之後不會馬上偵測, 會過幾分鐘才偵測)
這樣第一份 Windows 機器的設定檔就設定完成
( 確認你的 Windows firewall  可以被server ping 或是 port 12489 沒有擋 )
( for win2008 在管理工具內防火牆管理File And Print Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-IN) )
可以在 Server 上確認
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt  -H  -p  12489   -v  CLIENTVERSION
# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt  -H  -p 12489  -v   USEDDISKSPACE  -l  c

Window Client 也可以重新啟動 nsclient++

如果要加入第二台 Windows 機器設定
可以複製 原來的Windows 設定, 例如
# cp   /etc/nagios/objects/windows129.cfg   /etc/nagios/objects/windows131.cfg

修改 主機名稱 及 IP 即可

以上 ^__^ 大功告成

Optional Lab: 透過 即時通訊 軟體來通知
以上預設的通知方式是透過 e-mail 來傳送通知
如果希望使用更即時的通知方式, 也可以透過 即時通訊軟體來通知管理者

這邊建議使用  Jabber 的方式來通知管理者 ( 也就是透過 Google Talk )
(之前 perl 的方式目前來通知 jabber 有點問題, 我們使用 python-xmpppy)
(參考 http://blogs.gnome.org/woody/2012/02/18/nagios-xmpp-notifications-for-gtalk/ )
但是要使用 Jabber ( Google talk's XMPP ) 的服務要安裝相關套件
這邊我們使用 OneClickInstall  的方式來安裝套件

安裝 python-xmpppy 套件
#OneClickInstallCLI  http://software.opensuse.org/ymp/devel:languages:python/openSUSE_12.1/python-xmpppy.ymp

# zypper   search   xmpp

S | 名稱                      | 摘要                                                                | 類型    
 | libqxmpp-devel            | Qxmpp Development Files                                             | 套件    
 | libqxmpp1                 | Qt XMPP Library                                                     | 套件    
 | libqxmpp1-32bit           | Qt XMPP Library                                                     | 套件    
i | perl-Net-XMPP             | XMPP Perl Library                                                   | 套件    
 | python-pyxmpp             | Python Jabber/XMPP Implementation                                   | 套件    
 | python-pyxmpp             | Python Jabber/XMPP Implementation                                   | src 套件
 | python-pyxmpp-debuginfo   | Debug information for package python-pyxmpp                         | 套件    
 | python-pyxmpp-debugsource | Debug sources for package python-pyxmpp                             | 套件    
 | python-sleekxmpp          | Python XMPP (Jabber) Library that Implements Everything as a Plugin | 套件    
 | python-sleekxmpp          | Python XMPP (Jabber) Library that Implements Everything as a Plugin | src 套件
i | python-xmpppy             | Jabber Library for Python                                           | 套件    
 | python-xmpppy             | Jabber Library for Python                                           | src 套件
i | sendxmpp                  | A perl-script to send xmpp, similar to what mail does for mail      | 套件  

將網頁上的 程式儲存為  notify_via_jabber 並修改自己的 google 帳號以及google密碼 ( 以下的google 帳號必須與等等被通知的google 帳號互為 google talk 聯絡人 )

# vi   /usr/local/bin/notify-via-jabber
#!/usr/bin/python -tt

import warnings

import xmpp
from xmpp.protocol import Message

from optparse import OptionParser
import ConfigParser
import sys
import os

parser = OptionParser()
opts, args = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) < 1:
   print "xmppsend message [to whom, multiple args]"

msg = args[0]

msg = msg.replace('\\n', '\n')

# Connect to the server
c  =  xmpp.Client('gmail.com')
c.connect( ( 'talk.google.com', 5223 ) )

# Authenticate to the server
jid  =  xmpp.protocol.JID( 'example@gmail.com' )
c.auth( jid.getNode( ), 'yourgmailpassword' )

if len(args) < 2:
   r = c.getRoster()
   for user in r.keys():
       if user == username:
       c.send(Message(user, '%s' % msg))
   for user in args[1:]:
       c.send(Message(user, '%s' % msg))

懶的 vi 是吧 ^_^
#wget    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12787647/2012-3-31-nagios/notify-via-jabber

#chmod  a+x  notify-via-jabber
# mv   notify-via-jabber    /usr/local/bin/

測試 一下傳送訊息
#/usr/local/bin/notify-via-jabber  "testmesg"  被通知的google帳號  

將 notify-by-jabber 以及 host-notify-by-jabber  加入到/etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg

# vi   /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
加入 請複製參考網頁上面的設定

define command{
       command_name    host-notify-by-jabber
       command_line    /usr/local/bin/notify-via-jabber "Host '$HOSTALIAS$' is $HOSTSTATE$ - Info : $HOSTOUTPUT$" $CONTACTPAGER$

define command{
       command_name    notify-by-jabber

由上面的指令可以看出 notify_via_jabber 後面傳送的 Google 帳號是由 $CONTACTPAGER$ 來指定

所以我們要新增 聯絡人的 PAGER, 也就是 google 帳號

# vi  /etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg
請加入 pager 的設定, 就是要傳送的 google 帳號
define contact{
       contact_name                    nagiosadmin             ; Short name of user
       use                             generic-contact         ; Inherit default values from generic-contact template (defined above)
       alias                           Nagios Admin            ; Full name of user
       email                           sakana@study-area.org   
       pager                           要傳送的google帳號

故我們接下來修改範本設定檔  /etc/nagios/objects/templetes.cfg

# vi /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg
修改 generic-contact 內容, 加入 jabber 的設定

define contact{
       name                            generic-contact         ; The name of this contact template
       service_notification_period     24x7                    ; service notifications can be sent anytime
       host_notification_period        24x7                    ; host notifications can be sent anytime
       service_notification_options    w,u,c,r,f,s             ; send notifications for all service statesents
       host_notification_options       d,u,r,f,s               ; send notifications for all host states
       service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email,notify-by-jabber ; 加入設定
       host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-email,host-notify-by-jabber    ; 加入設定
       register                        0                       ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL CONTACT, JUST A TEMPLATE!

# nagios  -v  /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

重新啟動 nagios 使其生效
#rcnagios   restart

Optional Lab: Nagios Map icon

可以上 Nagios 的官網去抓 icon

我是去抓 Base Images

下載下來檔案名稱為 base.zip (假設下載到 /root)

解壓縮在 /usr/share/nagios/images/logos/base
#unzip  /root/base.zip
#mv   /root/base   /usr/share/nagios/images/logos


define hostextinfo{
       host_name       da-1
       icon_image      base/linux40.gif ;icon的圖案
       icon_image_alt  linux
       statusmap_image base/linux40.gd2 ;這個才是statusmap上面的圖案,最好用gd2省資源

icon要放在安裝目錄的 images/logos目錄下

openSUSE安裝的目錄路徑就是 /usr/share/nagios/images/logos
所以路徑寫法就會是 base/linux40.gd2


# vi /etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg
將 剛剛的範本檔案
# Linux host definition template - This is NOT a real host, just a template!

define host{
       name                            linux-server    ; The name of this host template
       use                             generic-host    ; This template inherits other values from the generic-host template
       check_period                    24x7            ; By default, Linux hosts are checked round the clock
       check_interval                  5               ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes
       retry_interval                  1               ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals
       max_check_attempts              10              ; Check each Linux host 10 times (max)
       check_command                   check-host-alive ; Default command to check Linux hosts
       notification_period             workhours       ; Linux admins hate to be woken up, so we only notify during the day
                                                       ; Note that the notification_period variable is being overridden from
                                                       ; the value that is inherited from the generic-host template!
       notification_interval           120             ; Resend notifications every 2 hours
       notification_options            d,u,r           ; Only send notifications for specific host states
       contact_groups                  admins          ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
       hostgroups                      linux-servergroup ; Host groups that Linux servers should be a member of
       register                        0               ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!

# Linux host definition template - This is NOT a real host, just a template!

define host{
       name                            linux-server    ; The name of this host template
       use                             generic-host    ; This template inherits other values from the generic-host template
       check_period                    24x7            ; By default, Linux hosts are checked round the clock
       check_interval                  5               ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes
       retry_interval                  1               ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals
       max_check_attempts              10              ; Check each Linux host 10 times (max)
       check_command                   check-host-alive ; Default command to check Linux hosts
       notification_period             workhours       ; Linux admins hate to be woken up, so we only notify during the day
                                                       ; Note that the notification_period variable is being overridden from
                                                       ; the value that is inherited from the generic-host template!
       notification_interval           120             ; Resend notifications every 2 hours
       notification_options            d,u,r           ; Only send notifications for specific host states
       contact_groups                  admins          ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
       hostgroups                      linux-servergroup ; Host groups that Linux servers should be a member of
       icon_image                      base/linux40.gif
       icon_image_alt                  linux
       statusmap_image                 base/linux40.gd2        ;這個才是statusmap 上面的圖案, 最好用gd2 省資源
       register                        0               ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!

windows 還有其他的機器也可以比照辦理

加完要重新啟動 nagios
#rcnagios restart     

~enjoy it
